Wednesday, February 4, 2009

what's new?!?!

ok so it's been a while since i last updated....i've been kinda busy, ya know!

let's see. i have started my last semester of grad school and so far it's going great. i am doing my intership this semester with the deaf population in the schools. so yes, i am using sign language as a means of communication. mind you, i haven't used sign since i was in high school, so needless to say i'm a bit rusty. i went out and bought a few books and a video. i haven't watched the video yet but i will soon. it's amazing to me how these kids can sign so quickly and they look freaking adorable doing it. their hands are so small and so cute. i just want to take them home. but i can't do that. i'm also working with the high school population and they're pretty cool too. man, i forgot about the attitude these kids have in middle and high school. it makes me want to smack them upside the head. but i can't do that either. my supervisor is awesome. she knows so much about the deaf community and is making my internship a lot of fun. she graduated with her masters from galludet university. i remember when i took my first sign class i wanted to go to galludet too, funny how things work out.

so, for my graduation gift i had asked for a trip to thailand. i really want to visit sometime and be able to see a different country other than mexico. BUT, that's not going to happen. booooooo. chris is unable to go cuz of work and therefore i can't go. if we were dating i would have prolly gone without him!! hahaha. but since we are married i can't go. married life sucks! hahahaha just kidding. there will be other opportunities....maybe when i'm retired! it's funny how things work out. chris texted me today and asked if i wanted to go to hawaii for my spring break. it's not thailand but hey, i get to get the hell out of reno for awhile and enjoy something!

i take my comprehensive exams in 6 weeks and i don't feel at all prepared for them. i have 13 classes to study for and then we get 2 random questions assigned to us. then we have to write for 2 hours for each question with all the knowledge we can spit out in order to pass. if we don't pass then we have to rewrite for that professor and we don't even get the same question. ARGHHH. i'm determined to pass so that won't happen to me. these tests also determine whether i graduate or not. THEN to top it off, i have to take the praxis exam the next morning. the praxis is basically our boards to be able to practice as a clinician. should be one hell of time!

ok, well this is all for now since i have to go get ready for bikram yoga. have you done bikram before? holy hell it's crazy. they heat the room up to like 110 degrees and then you do yoga for an hour and a half. you sweat like crazy but it's really cool. ok peace out.

until next time when i update on how and if i survive yoga!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


So here I am posting for my first time on this thing. Still getting the hang of this new place to waste more time! Tonight we are just hanging out at my house and I'm sitting here watching Chris, his dad and Tony put up our blinds in our kitchen. This is quite entertaining seeing them trying to figure it out since they had to rig it to make the blinds fit properly.

I'm not sure how much I will get to post in the next 8 weeks since I have some major exams coming up soon in order to graduate. Oh yeah! I have 3 more months of school and I will be a Master!!!!! So for now I am studying for 14 classes and then will have to write an essay, at random, for 2 classes. That shouldn't be stressful! ha. This studying doesn't inlcude the 3 classes that I have to take this semester along with my internship. I'm pretty excited about this intership b/c I will be working the the deaf and hard-of-hearing in the school district. Hopefully this will give me a better idea of what kind of jobs will be available for when I'm done.

Bit of an update...Chris and I just had our wedding reception this last weekend and let me tell you, IT WAS A BLAST!!!! We had people from Alaska, Wyoming, California and all over Reno partying with us. We had disposible cameras at the tables and we just sent them in to get developed so as soon as we get them and filter through 21 cd's of pics I will post 'em. For those of you that don't know Chris and I got married in October in Tyler, Tx. It was a great time as well since we got to spend time with my family and our families were able to meet!

WOOOHHOOOOO our blinds are up and look PIMPIN! The whole time I was writing this is the time it took for the guys to put up the blinds...mind you, I was taking breaks in between and playing with our pup, Cooper. Pics of him will come up too at some point. haha.

Well that's it for now, I'm off to hang with the in-laws and Tony and enjoy our take and bake pizza! YUMMIE, don't be jealous.
AARRGGGH! So I'm trying to figure out how to post pics on the bottom of my post...and obviously I can't figure it out. Well, I don't have the patience right now to figure it out so if anyone can help out that would be awesome. Then you'll be able to see my pup Coop!